Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Program


Our talented Radiation Oncology team has treated thousands of women and men with many types of breast cancer. Our program provides comprehensive expertise in the clinical care of early, locally advanced, and recurrent breast cancer.

Personalized & Comprehensive Care

In the highly specialized Breast Cancer Program at Garden State Radiation Oncology, our radiation oncologist works side-by-side with your entire cancer treatment team. These world-class breast cancer specialists may include medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, physical therapists, social workers and genetic counselors. Our cross-specialty approach enables us to provide comprehensive care tailored to your needs.

Special breast program services:

  • Deep Inspiration Breath Hold: A technique for minimizing radiation dose to a patient’s heart during treatment delivery. Radiotherapy treatment using DIBH for left-sided breast cancer allows a patient to fill their lungs with air and move theirheart away from their chest in order to separate the organ from the target and reduce cardiac dose.
  • Partial Breast Irradiation: For selected patients with early-stage cancer, we use this noninvasive technique to deliver radiation precisely to the area from which the tumor was removed. As a result, we can reduce treatment length from months to a week, twice a day. We also designed a trial to deliver PBI once a day for 2 weeks. PBI can potentially reduce side effects by targeting only the tumor area.
  • Prone Breast Radiation Therapy: When a woman is in the prone position for treatment, the targeted breast falls away from the rest of her body, creating a greater separation between the breast and the critical organs that lie behind her chest wall.